ACiD, Algorithms and Complexity in Durham, is a world-leading research group with research programmes involving many international collaborators. Theoretical Computer Science comprises the development of algorithmic techniques that efficiently exploit the power of modern computers, the study of the limits of computation and the ways in which we can cope with, and take advantage of, intractability, and the science of the unsolvable.
The group is broad-based with research foci including computational complexity, proof complexity, descriptive complexity, graph theory, exact algorithms, randomised algorithms, approximation algorithms, parameterized algorithms, finite model theory, constraint satisfaction, interconnection networks, universal algebra and mathematical logic.
ACiD News
ISAAC 2023 Best Paper Award
The paper “Matching cuts in graphs of high girth and H-free graphs” by Carl Feghali, Felicia Lucke, Daniel Paulusma and Bernard Ries won a best paper award at the 34th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2023).
The 30th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (AUTOMATA) will take place between 22 July, 2024 and 24 July, 2024 at Durham University. The local organisers are Max Gadouleau and Karl Southern.
Algebraic Methods for Quantified Constraints
This project has just commenced with Barnaby Martin as PI. It is funded by EPSRC Grant EP/X03190X/1 and concerns the computational complexity of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems (QCSPs). Kristina Asimi will join Durham as a postdoc on the project from the 1st February. She has recently completed her PhD at Charles University in Prague. Catarina…
Welcome new members!
We welcome Michelle Zhang as a postdoctoral research assistant (from 1st August) and Henry Austin and Tala Eagling-Vose as PhD students (from 1st October).
Promise Valued CSPs: an algebraic framework for approximation problems
We welcome Silvia Butti (Oxford) to the ACiD seminar series on 21st November 2023!
Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Structure and Complexity
Andrei Krokhin received an EPSRC Fellowship for five years. This incorporates two postdoctoral positions in Durham. EPSRC Grant EP/X033201/1.
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email: [email protected]
tel:+44 (0) 191 334 1700
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